Esse quam videri
JoinedPosts by Esse quam videri
Contacted by Royal Commission today
by umbertoecho infirstly, thank you to anyone who is in support of this rc.
no one has shown anything but great interest and empathy for those who were abused.. i don't know who this simonsays character is though and i find him to be very rude and ignorant.
it takes all kinds to make the world go round i suppose.. today i was contacted by a staff member of the royal commission.
Royal Commission live streamingstarting soon!
by possum inaugust.
mon 3 (cont) fri 7 .
public hearing: case study 29 into jehovah's witnesses, sydney.
Esse quam videri
While this inquiry would bore most to tears I think most here must find it fascinating.
Members of this forum have discussed and speculated for months and years about this subject. It has been a constant topic of discussion. We have said that a carcass is buried somewhere. When it is found the truth will come out. Now the carcass has been found, dug up and is being examined. And how it stinks. The Witness lawyers are trying to direct attention away from this stench by their use of meandering language and argument. The commissioners may politely listen but always come back to the carcass. The rotting, stinking, putrid carcass that the Watchtower buried and is now gutted and laid out for all to see.
[Day 4 - 31/7]The Royal Commissions investigation of child sexual abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r inby popular demand i give you day 4, and i will finally get a couple of days to sleep .
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2,3 and 4 will soon be available.. part 1:.
Esse quam videri
' ...The Nevada crime of lewdness with a minor under 14 is any "lewd or lascivious act upon the body, or any part or member thereof, under the age of 14" with the intent of gratifying the defendant or the child sexually. Therefore, a person can be convicted of this crime without having had sexual intercourse or any type of penetration with the victim. Common defenses to this crime are false allegations, mistaken identity, or insufficient evidence.Lewdness with a minor is a category A felony, which is the most serious class of crimes in Nevada. A first offense carries a life sentence with the possibility of parole after ten years (and maybe a $10,000 fine in addition). A subsequent conviction carries life in prison with no parole... '
Seems like the secular authorities in Nevada take child safety and protection far more seriously than the Jehovah's Witnesses.
[Day 4 - 31/7]The Royal Commissions investigation of child sexual abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r inby popular demand i give you day 4, and i will finally get a couple of days to sleep .
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2,3 and 4 will soon be available.. part 1:.
Esse quam videri
If the Governing Body was brought before this Royal Commission they would be ..
[Day 4 - 31/7]The Royal Commissions investigation of child sexual abuse within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r inby popular demand i give you day 4, and i will finally get a couple of days to sleep .
part 1 has been uploaded and part 2,3 and 4 will soon be available.. part 1:.
Dr Monica Applewhite speaks with forked tongue..
by GodZoo inpublic statement by dr monica applewhite on improvements in the catholic church in handling child abuse cases.
(paralleled witness policy highlighted in brackets in red).
Looking for JW Royal Commission documents from their site
by Illuminated ini was looking on the royal commission site for the elder's letter stating pedophiles can become elders, shepherding the flock book and other useful information i'd like to share with a loved one yet i wasn't able to find it.. i'd appreciate it if anyone can assist me with finding this information directly from their site to be shared!
thank you!.
SYNCED SOUND [Day 1 - 27/7]Child Sexual Abuse Within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r insince we are using the live hearing recordings to make videos etc.
i thought it would be a good idea to have the hearings available with synced sound (the stream recording messes up the audio sync).. so here is day 1 somewhat synced, it is hard to get it perfect:.
part 1:.
SYNCED SOUND [Day 1 - 27/7]Child Sexual Abuse Within Jehovah’s Witnesses. + VIDEO
by C0ntr013r insince we are using the live hearing recordings to make videos etc.
i thought it would be a good idea to have the hearings available with synced sound (the stream recording messes up the audio sync).. so here is day 1 somewhat synced, it is hard to get it perfect:.
part 1:.
WT Lawyer trying to force His Honour to allow Miss Apple to garner more info showing how good WT is
by umbertoecho inhello to all who are watching.
his honour is being tested by wt lawyer in the last thirty minutes of day 4. the lawyer wants to bring in updates on the societies handling of child molestation cases.. his honour tells the lawyer that if he "lawyer" wants a contest between who is better than who....forget it.. his honour is slightly pissed off as wt lawyer just won't back down and insists that this evidence is very important and........"progressive" ( i think ) his honour then continues to tell nice wt jerk type lawyer, that if he thinks this will dispel all that happened to past victims..........think again.. i rough summary but fairly accurate people......god, that wt lawyer is a hateful lying, scheming son of a bitch........
Esse quam videri
' ...jerk type lawyer...'
I resemble that remark!